Monday, May 18, 2009

Easter x 3 (and WAY late!)

So our Easter celebration started the week before and went all the way through Easter Sunday.  It started with an egg hunt at Hidden Canyon Park with our usual Friday morning play group (at least I guess that's what you would call it if we were a little more organized).  It was Hayden's first egg hunt ever and he caught on right away, even though I was so lame I forgot to bring a basket for him and eggs to contribute to the hunt!  (yes that is my bag Hayden is using to collect eggs)  Then Sunday morning, we had our own hunt in the front yard because we knew Kolton (4) would annihilate Hayden (1 1/2) and Gramma and Grandpa's house later in the afternoon.  There was no candy in the eggs (I already got the earful for that, so you don't have to say anything, Hayden has no fun, blah, blah, blah...) so it was a great day with no sugar high or crash.  Anyway, here a whole bunch of photos of kiddos collecting eggs, super interesting, huh?

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