Tuesday, May 26, 2009

no nap+ big mess x 2 kids = long monday disguised as tuesday

wow!  Looks like a bomb went off, actually, I think a bomb did go off!

Monday, May 18, 2009

Stop and Smell the Flowers

Hayden loves flowers... or I guess Hayden loves to smell flowers.  He will stop in the middle of a meal and start sniffing nonstop.  He is trying to smell the flowers in the middle of the table and doesn't stop until he actually gets to smell them.  He even tries to smell the flowers on my skirts and tops!  So sweet!  This particular day, Hayden was loving the trumpet vine that grows over our swing.  He was so precious standing on his tip toes to get a really good sniff.  Flowers are even more exciting now that he was discovered bees.  Now when we are walking, he can spot a bee from a mile away and lets everyone know, "Bee, Bee... BEE!"

It reminds me of the flower sermon (not to get all serious but I love this story).  The Buddha was about to give a much anticipated sermon and when he was about to walk on stage, he noticed a lotus flower at his feet.  He picked it and walked on stage.  He held up the flower and said nothing.  One man in the crowd smiled with pure joy.  This moment was Mahakasyapa's transcendence into Nirvana.  There are many interpretations of the Flower Sermon, spirituality comes from direct experience rather than scripture; all things come and go, transient like the flower; the concept of "suchness," things are just as they are; or an enlightened mind (ego-less mind) springs from the egotistic mind just as the lotus flower springs from the mud.  When I think of this story I am reminded that life is beautiful and amongst all the mud and muck, there is a lotus flower to be found.

Tractors (a.k.a. "Kaaaaaaa!")

Is there anything cooler than a tractor?  Definitely not, especially when you get to ride on the real thing!  Hayden loves the farm and every tractor on it.  He calls them cars (everything with wheels is a car) but a tractor has added enthusiasm.  When we went to visit over spring break, Hayden was beaming when he got to sit on a real tractor and "drive it" but as soon as Grandpa fired it up, he wanted to be as far away as possible.  Now that we are far away from real tractors (except for the flower fields) Hayden has his toy farm, tractor and trailer included and tractor books to keep the memory alive.

Easter x 3 (and WAY late!)

So our Easter celebration started the week before and went all the way through Easter Sunday.  It started with an egg hunt at Hidden Canyon Park with our usual Friday morning play group (at least I guess that's what you would call it if we were a little more organized).  It was Hayden's first egg hunt ever and he caught on right away, even though I was so lame I forgot to bring a basket for him and eggs to contribute to the hunt!  (yes that is my bag Hayden is using to collect eggs)  Then Sunday morning, we had our own hunt in the front yard because we knew Kolton (4) would annihilate Hayden (1 1/2) and Gramma and Grandpa's house later in the afternoon.  There was no candy in the eggs (I already got the earful for that, so you don't have to say anything, Hayden has no fun, blah, blah, blah...) so it was a great day with no sugar high or crash.  Anyway, here a whole bunch of photos of kiddos collecting eggs, super interesting, huh?

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Gayle's Bday

For Gayle's bday this year Jeff and Roon (our favorite mom/photographer) came up with the idea to get the whole fam together to do a photo shoot and get some "official photos" of the fam.  It only took us 3 months to find a day when all 10 of us could be together but totally worth the wait!  We had an amazing day at the beach and also got some great pictures.  

"Ka" (Car)

Everything that has wheels is a car.  Hayden is obsessed and it is adorable.  His favorite word combo, "Dada Ka" (Dada left in a car and when he gets back, he will be in the car again!) Soo cute!  We are having a blast discovering all the different types and colors of cars.  And driving, of course!