Thursday, September 4, 2008

When Hayden started crawling, he became my independent baby.  If his needs were met, he was not interested in being held.  Sometimes I wonder if he would even notice if I didn't follow him.  At the beach, he will crawl towards the waves with no fear.  Even when the water comes towards him and the wave (if you can call it that because it is only the last bit of water, an inch deep, that comes up on shore) hits him, he does not stop and squeals with delight.   At restaurants, he will crawl away from our table and not look back.  I love his independence but sometimes I think I might find a little hesitation comforting.

Looking at his record, I don't think I will be finding that comfort anytime soon.  When learning to crawl, Hayden was determined.  Not even his multiple faceplants on our tile floors discouraged him.  In the books, they call him the "accident prone baby."  One day at Devin's house, I left Hayden to go upstairs to get Devin after he woke up from his nap.  On my way out, looking down from the hall, I could not see Hayden in the living room.  In just a few seconds, he had found his way half way up the stairs (the gate had not latched correctly).  I was terriefied, running all the terrible scenarios through my head.  Hayden just looked up at me, so proud and with the biggest smile it was like he was saying, "Look at me mom, I'm almost there!"  His confidence and determination makes me so proud, he is such an amazing little baby.

In the past few weeks, Hayden has become interested in cuddling again.  He will bring a book over and sit in my lap while I read it 10 times.  Or sit at my feet raising his arms to be picked up and rest his head on my shoulder.  He will lay there quiet and still for a few minutes.  Then, he pops his head back up and reaches down and after I set him back down he crawls away and goes back to being independent baby.

Photo takes August 19, 2008

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