Tuesday, April 28, 2009

The Flower Fields

When we went to the flower fields, I expected it to just be that and a tractor ride but it is a full on attraction complete with a sweet pea maze.  The flowers were so beautiful and Hayden loved the tractor ride.  Hayden stopped to smell every flower that day.

The Zoo

We had a blast at the zoo.  Hayden loved the elephants, his favorite animal.  Everytime I ask him something and he doesn't know the answer these days, he raises his arm up like a trunk and makes an elephant sound.

We went into the petting zoo for the first time and Hayden loved it.  He wanted to feed every animal there and if the goat didn't want to eat, Hayden put the hay on top of his head! (I guess so he could save it for later?)

Spring Time

Spring is flying by, I cannot believe it is almost May.  The weather has been beautiful and that means lots of time outside and of course spring wouldn't be complete with out Girl Scout Cookies.  Hayden also got his first trike and loves it, especially his helmet.  If I didn't make him take it off, he would eat with it on!