Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Four Wheeling

Last week, Devin brought his new Power Wheels over to play with.  For the two days it was here, Hayden would not get off.  It was hilarious.  With no hesitation, Hayden climbed on and pushed the big red button.  Off he went!  When he ran into something, he looked ahead, did not take his finger off the button and waited to get going again (like whatever was blocking him was going to move).  Then when I put Devin on the back, they happily cruised the backyard together, and Devin (not as trigger happy as Hayden) held on for dear life.  When Devin drives he is more stop and go, so when Hayden was in the back seat he took over the controls and went full speed ahead.

It must be nap time...

We are still adjusting to Hayden's new one nap a day schedule.  It seems like everyday, nap happens at a different time.  We just got back from the store and Hayden feel asleep in the car (like he always does) but today when I took him out of his seat, he didn't wake up.  I laid him on the couch and since rolling over onto his tummy right away, he hasn't moved.  Now he has been sleeping there for an hour (with his feet dangling over the edge of the couch!), while I have been making no effort to be especially quiet.  Other days, he will lay down on the area rug when he is ready to sleep for just fall asleep eating lunch.

Christmas in SLO

While visiting SLO for Chirstmas, we did something unheard of, we got to see everyone.  Hayden had an amazing time hanging out on the farm, visiting grandparents, great grandparents, cousins and aunts and uncles.  Here are some of the photos, I love the antique tractor that I got when I was a baby (I will dig up the photo of me on it!)

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Falling Waters

After our engagement, we came to Falling Waters and immediately knew that this was the place we would have our wedding.  We felt so lucky to be in such a beautiful place and to share it with our friends and family.  Enjoy...