Tuesday, August 26, 2008

While the house was under construction, Hayden and I spent many of our days at Devin's house.  For those of you who don't know, Devin is 2 months younger than Hayden and I take care of him 3 days a week.  When I started taking care of Devin, I never could have imagined how attached the two would become.  Everyday, they are so excited to see each other.  They squirm out of our arms to start playing each morning, so cute!  

Being in a new house meant new toys and new places to get into trouble.  Devin had a stuffed dog that would play music and each time a song came on, Hayden would start dancing.  I did my best to get it on video, enjoy!

With fall just around the corner, that means Hayden's first birthday is almost here.  I cannot believe it, this past year has just flown by.  When he was first born, I would look at him and think about how I never wanted him to change but looking at him now, I feel like he was always this way.  Our time in the NICU seems like a lifetime ago, looking at pictures, I cannot believe that was less than a year ago.

Photos taken October 9-10, 2007

I cannot believe summer is over and it has been a busy one!  We have just finally settled back into our new kitchen.  We are almost done with the remodel, only missing the cabinet doors and a few finishing touches.  Having open cabinets filled with items that are very tempting to a curious baby have kept us busy during Hayden's waking hours.  

This combined with not being hooked up to the internet for 2 weeks while we were out of the house have kept me from keeping up on postings.  So I have lots of pictures to share.  

Summer for us consisted of as much time outside as possible, at BBQ's with friends, concerts in the park, days at the beach and tasting lots of sand, grass and the like.  Throw in some wine tasting and croquet and summer is complete.

Photos taken July-August 2008

a future olympian?

Hayden has just finished his first summer of swim lessons and is a natural in the water.  He took a 5 week class with other infants and toddlers and loved it!  He never cried once, even when dunked under water.  Considering the fact that he crawls toward the waves at the beach with no fear or intention of stopping, I should have known he would love swim lessons!  My favorite part is when we dunk him under water, he comes up with his eyes as wide open and looks at me in shock, as if he was asking me, "Why did you do that to me and when can we do it again?"  

Photo taken August 16, 2008