Friday, July 25, 2008

A boy and his ball

When this started, I couldn't believe it.  Background: Hayden was playing with a ball and it rolled away from him.  It rolled over to the table but not underneath.  In order to get the ball back Hayden began crawling over the chair's footrest and under the table.  And so it continues as the ball rolls away again.  He worked his way all the way around the table, and then got stuck when climbing over the last chair.

Photos taken July 23, 2008

That camera looks interesting...

When I catch Hayden doing something especially cute, (like sitting in his musical instrument box hitting the morracas against a chair).  I have to try to get a picture before he notices.  And if he does see me, it goes something like the sequence above.

Photos taken July 23, 2008


So, ever since Hayden was born, and even before that, I have been struggling to find ways to stay in touch with friends and family and share pictures (the most frequent complaint).  A friend of mine, invited me to see her blog, and the first thing I thought of was what a great way it was to share updates from down here.  I tried the mass email of pictures on Kodak but have only  managed to achieve that once since Hayden was born.  Almost 10 months later, I decided this was probably not working.  So, here is my new attempt to stay in touch.  This is my first time blogging and I'm sure I will be learning more about what I'm doing as I go, but I think I will be able to figure it out...

But first the update:

Jeff and I just celebrated our 1 year anniversary and after the wedding we thought life would slow down, but it has just continued to speed up.  After the flood in March, we had the floors ect. replaced and thought we were done the with clean up.  Then, a month later, we discovered mold in the cabinets.  This lead to a full mold remediation and a kitchen quarantine.  After having half a kitchen for over 4 months now, we are finally ready to rip it all out and start from scratch.  We are so excited for this to be over, especially now that Hayden is mobile and getting very interested in the holes in the wall (literally, I have holes in my wall!).  Now we will be moving out of the house for 2 weeks while the kitchen is completely remodeled.

Hayden will be 10 months old next month, I cannot believe how fast time goes!  He is crawling across the house so fast I cannot keep up.  He talks all day, non stop in his own baby-babbling language.  Baby watching is my favorite past time and he never stops amazing me.  Hayden is now begining to stand on his own, but only until he realizes he isn't holding onto anything and then he quickly sits down.

Just recently, Hayden has started smiling with his teeth (this is the only way I can think of to describe it).  Before when he smiled, it was a big open mouth, grinning ear to ear.  

Now, when he smiles he will only flash his teeth and the rest of his face gets all squinty.  It is so cute, I just want to pick him up and squeeze him every time.

Photo taken July 20, 2008